Listado de la etiqueta: Noise

Artist: A Sacred Geometry. Title: Chapter 1. Label: A Sacred Geometry.
Release date: 01-06-2015. Genre: dub, electronica.


A / 1. Atiya
B1 / 2. City of Ys
B2 / 3. Maroush (Dub Edit)

About the release:

Brainchild of two passionate and likeminded artists, A Sacred Geometry was born as a platform to illustrate techno as a narrative, forgoing the strictly dancefloor nature of the medium. Influences from noise, ambient and new wave coupled with their graphic identity play a crucial role in how the music is perceived, as the journey continues with each new cover art.

As the tale begins with ‘Atiya’, audiences experience a cacophony of slow building acid-like synths which help propel the element of mystification to the forefront of the track. ‘City of Ys’ continues this trend with an enigmatic voice-like tone that glides the listener through the track. The distinct inclusion of brass samples add to the melancholic atmosphere slowly ushering the listener into a dream-like consciousness. ‘Maroush (Dub Edit)’ takes on a different attitude, as deep ambient atmospheres prevail with Eastern inspired string instruments induce feelings of escapism.

One can be expected to continue on this journey, as this is only Chapter I of the chronicle, A Sacred Geometry will develop and evolve as the story continues to unfold.

About the artist:

Dripping in resonance, A Sacred Geometry creates a nostalgic ambient reality redolent of space and texture. Layers of subtle melody and rhythmic pulsation capture the importance of atmosphere and narrative within their work. Organic and emotional content pulsate through the rhythm while the artwork enforces the concept of the music.


Artist: Grey Branches. Title: Lower Bounds. Label: Inner Surface.
Release date: 08-12-2014. Genre: Techno, industrial, noise.


  • A1 – Exsolve
  • A2 – Lower Bounds
  • B1 – Binate
  • B2 – Plangent

About the release: 

Inner Surface Music are very proud to present Grey Branches a new project by Yves De Mey. It brings together his love for straightforward technoid tracks and his known interest in experimentation. Grey Branches deliberately aims at the floor without losing the focus on sound design. It serves as the ideal output for Yves’ take on distorted rhythms and linear arrangements.

‘Exsolve’ opens proceedings with a truly unique take on broken techno rhythms, playful yet commanding synthesis intertwines with low slung baselines. ‘Lower Bounds’ enters us into a psychedelic dimension that we have never entered before, slow robotic drums and synths bleep and modulate as we enter the void to float into a parallel universe. ‘Binate’ stomps and kicks with ferocity, the synths build and swarm like a giant mechanical wasp ready for the sting. A powerful and dynamic track that will encapsulate any dance floor.

‘Plangent’ is an experimental modular workout a perfect amalgamation of sounds that melds between metallic and organic sound sources with great intensity and precision.

About the artist:

Yves De Mey’s musical path consists of many different roads. During the second half of the 90’s, his releases were clearly rooted in breakbeats and UK drum’n’bass. Soon after that, through working for theater and dance performances and doing large scale sound installations, his interest in experimental sound design found its way into his music.

In 2009 his album «Lichtung» was released by the influential Line label. Around that time, De Mey’s main tool in the studio became his ever-expanding modular synthesizer system. This definitely changed his way of working and obviously his sound as well, shifting from an elaborate niftiness in the digital realm to an obsessive cable-patched shaping of the real sound of electricity.

In 2011, Sandwell District found the time right to widen their dance-floor techno-scope and released De Mey’s Counting Triggers, a 6-track album that interprets club music in a downtempo electrified fashion. 2013 was an extremely busy year with remix duties on SonuoS, and releases on Modal Analysis, Opal Tapes, Archives Intérieures and others.

Yves De Mey also works together with Peter Van Hoesen as Sendai, and they both run Archives Intérieures, a label for challenging and sophisticated electronic music.

Artista: FENNESZ
Album: Seven Stars
Label: Touch

Luz geolocalizada

Christian Fennesz es como uno de esos viejos amigos que al principio no te caían demasiado bien pero, a medida que pasa el tiempo, vas asimilando sus rarezas hasta que acaba ocupando un lugar importante en tu vida. Aunque pueda fascinar en un primer encuentro, difícilmente transmite empatía. De esa manera y con algo de esfuerzo, podríamos decir que sus discos ciertamente han acabado formando parte de la discoteca más selecta de los amantes de la electrónica.

Prolífico compositor, dueño y señor del ruidismo y el ambient a base de guitarras y habitual colaborador de pesos pesados de la investigación sonora mundial, previo a su próximo largo, nos ofrece este EP con título y portada sugerente, firma de la casa. Aunque esta vez tiene un tono general diferente e insólito, menos árido y mucho más dulce que los sonidos a los que nos tiene acostumbrados. De tal modo que no se te atraganta a la primera escucha. Entra muy bien sin necesidad de calentamiento ni ejercicio previo. Claro que, bien puede ser que ya tengamos el oído más que educado para sorpresas.

Quedamos pues a la espera de su próximo largo en solitario y, por el momento, bastante satisfechos. Pase el tiempo que pase sin noticias suyas, Christian Fennesz siempre es bien recibido en casa.

¿Has puesto la tetera a calentar?

Artista: Pan Sonic
Album: Gravitoni
Label: Blast First Petite

Arresto domiciliario

Estás otra vez sentado en el sofá desvencijado y cubierto de pelos de perro. Hace unas semanas que dejaste de tener perro. El aire húmedo y sofocante es humo con motas de polvo. Las cortinas huelen a tabaco. Hace unas semanas que dejaste de fumar. ¿Por qué no corre una pizca de aire fresco en esta maldita casa?

El suelo está desnivelado y cuesta andar por el pasillo. Las manchas de la pared son un miembro más de la familia. No hay nada en la nevera. Hace unas semanas que dejaste de hacer la compra en el supermercado.

Agradecerías una ducha, pero las obras en el patio han hecho marrón el agua que sale del grifo. Te gustaría encender el televisor si hace unas semanas no hubieras dejado de pagar la electricidad. Sabes, en cualquier caso, que no hay nada en la emisión que te distraiga, que te saque de ahí .

Sabes, en cualquier caso, que no quieres salir.